Programs, study aids & supplies  DONATE. . .


Study-Holiday Abroad

Study-Holiday in Vancouver, Canada for Executive Learners ** 

English After-Hours for Learners with irregular schedules ** 

English Tea Conversation for Seniors *

English Day Camp for Kids **

Work-Study in Vanouver, Canada for Professionals ***

English Study Aids 

Articles **, stories **, vocab & gram worksheets **, dialogues **

Children‘s Book ***

English Edutainment Audio ***

Teaching Tips ***

Running a Social Business ***

Book Bags & Stationery 

ACTIVEVOICE book bag * 

File Folder **

Clip Binder **

 * = almost complete   ** = in development   *** = concept


Everyone should have the same opportunity, and in many areas that‘s not the case because programs are built around the elite.

Bobby Orr

You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

Steve Jobs